Friday, 19 September 2014

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics: the Theory of Quantum Leap

Today in this new series of posting I will be discussing about all the complex quantum equations as well as theories and my first topic will be the quantum leap. May be many of you are very well familiar of this term but then also this must to be described on a science blog. Now getting on the topic Quantum leap is something which was basically developed by a great scientist Neils Bohr He was a brilliant man but not of my favorites. He described the formulations of calculating the position of electron uncertain! Well this was a crazy idea but it is truth and this is what is quantum uncertainty proved by double slit experiment this theory shook up the minds of physicists and is in extreme effect till now. And now Bohr presented his model of atom a quantized view he said that electrons have certain orbits on which they move as they get closer to the nucleus of the atom they lose their energy and the most amazing thing is that you can’t state that where he electron would be in its orbit it is uncertain it can be anywhere in any state we cannot say that it will be coherent or not this is called quantum superposition. Whenever a electron leaps its orbit because off any bond formation or by photoelectric effect this is called quantum leap. Every time it moves a change in energy is faced by the electron.

Quantum Entanglement

Now another mystery was that if for example an electron is kept beside a TNT charge and an electron in empty space far away from the first one. When the charge is blown the electron will be destroyed and simultaneously the second one will also be destroyed. This bizarre phenomenon was called quantum entanglement Bohr said that this is unpredictable that in what state or in what condition those electrons are, they will destroy. Let us take a spinning wheel which has only blue and red sectors all over and this wheel is between the entangled particles. This wheels red and blue sectors represents the particles if the wheel is made in action may be the result will be blue or may be blue. Bohr said that it was probable to get an outcome. Einstein thought it was ridiculous if you a have a pair of gloves and pack them in two different case which are sent far from each other. Now if you open one you can guess what is in other one without opening it, It means if you measure one you can observe the other entangled particle without examining it………..

Well now I am ending my first post in this series next time I will be posting on “String theory”
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Sunday, 14 September 2014

History of Earth

Creation of the Earth

Earth, the most mesmerizing planet in the whole universe. A planet that is the only place where life developed and was created. To discover how our earth was made we need to go into the time when our Sun was born around 5 billion years ago there was only one star in the vast part of solar system and big cosmic rocs circling it and the gravity brought them to make at least 100 planets. Our earth was one of them a burning ball of hot lava, no air and temperature was around 1200 degrees. When a small planet called Thea crashed on the earth and its gravity pulled and projected a huge part of the earth which started circling around the earth and turned out to be the new born moon it was nearer that it is today. And here on earth a whole bunch of meteors attacked which were carrying water in them and that water cooled the earth surface gathering on about millions of years forming the first oceans, but still no sign of life there was no atmosphere and temperature was very high. After some year’s atmosphere was born full of toxic gases and water vapors creating mega storms. And down in the sea beds water of seas was seeping down in crust getting hot and mixing with important mixtures, getting out again into the sea as a soup of life where somehow first primitive bacteria’s were born reproducing and growing. After some time first astromatelitte were born…….. watch this video you will find it more interesting believe me     

Friday, 12 September 2014

Quantum Mechanics Video Documentary

 the best you can

Quantum Documentary

What is It?

Quantum Mechanics and Reality

Einstein On it!


Thursday, 11 September 2014

Science Poetry

Our Dear Sun

They used to call you Aten

You golden yellow sphere
You reign supreme above our heads
Your power we must fear.

Your distance from our little earth

Is said to be just right
Not too distant or to near
For just enough heat and light.

You control the rate of flow

Of surface energy
Wind and clouds and rain and snow
And currents out at sea.

You also exert your control

On the way we work and play
From icy roads to beachfront camps
Or the sailboat in the bay.

Some of us are overcome

By the power of your rays
Exposed cells are baked and burnt
On those lovely sunny days.

My dear majestic Aten...

We'll always need your energy
To sustain our biosphere
So rise up! EVERY MORNING, star!
We're so glad you're still up there.

--by Peter Elias


Carbon comes in many forms
Hard as diamond, soft as soot
Coal or graphite when we write
And fancy fullerine to boot.

Carbon chains are straight or branched
Or closed to form a ring
Organic compounds these are called
Parts for life they bring.

Coal and oil and fuel gas
Once mined they have much worth
These reservoirs of energy
Were once alive on earth.

When carbon joins with oxygen
It's either two or one
The double causes drinks to fizz
The single one? you're gone.

I mean carbon dioxide's fairly good

Most days it is our friend
But carbon monoxide's something else
One miss can mean the end.
--by Peter Elias

To the Moon

"O, thou."

BLESS thy bright face! though often blessed before 

By raving maniac and by pensive fool;
One would say something more-- but who as yet,
When looking at thee in the deep blue sky,
Could tell the poorest thought that struck his heart?
Yet all have tried, and all have tried in vain.
At thee, poor planet, is the first attempt
That the young rhymster ventures. And the sigh
The boyish lover heaves, is at the Moon.
Bards, who -- ere Milton sung or Shakspeare played
The dirge of sorrow, or the song of love,
Bards, who had higher soared than Fesole,
Knew better of the Moon. 'T was there they found
Vain thoughts, lost hopes, and fancy's happy dreams,
And all sweet sounds, such as have fled afar
From waking discords, and from daylight jars.
There Ariosto puts the widow's weeds
When she, new wedded, smiles abroad again,
And there the sad maid's innocence -- 't is there

That broken vows and empty promises,

All good intentions, with no answering deed
To anchor them on the substantial earth,
Are shrewdly packed. -- And could he think that thou,
So bright, so pure of aspect, so serene,
Art the mere storehouse of our faults and crimes?
I'd rather think as puling rhymsters think,
O; love-sick maidens fancy -- Yea, prefer
The dairy notion that thou art but cheese,
Green cheese --than thus misdoubt thy honest face.

Symphony of science

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Higgs Boson

Higgs Boson- Ultimate reality or Just a Beginning?

Hello, Today I am here to discuss on something exclusively radical. All of us know that what “The god Particle” is or in other words “Higgs Boson”. But when we analyze it in every exclusive condition out of 10,00,000 conditions we got it only once and not only this but there are many things that tempt us to consider it as the god particle or the smallest possible mass of every object. A boson which is limitlessly small and only can be seen in 1 core th part of a second. But actually is it the ultimate reality? Now when this question arises there are many answers and according to me the most logical answer is that it is not as everything is further made up of something it may be energy by ignoring matter but the very thing is also made up of something.

                     Human kind discovered and solved the mysteries of quantum world but getting out the ultimate reality is a lot more difficult and passing through the mathematical concerns is double of it. The finest ways of calculation like calculus are accurate to the limits but I don’t think that this will support any ultimate theory to develop it we probably need a new and highly advance mathematics that would be able to even prove a smaller or the smallest unit that higgs boson. There are theories that are currently called the theory of everything like string theory. I agree that in head to head analyses but those 1d strings must be made up of something or radically energy state. But do these strings also have dual nature.

    By all of these statements we can conclude that the ultimate reality will be very exclusive and we would definitely need more advanced science and technology to go beyond the limits of our current god particle.   

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Animal Profile

Animal kingdom: Top five everything
Most Poisonous on Earth
1)  Box Jellyfish
2)  Sea Snake
3)  Blow Fish
4) Blue-Ringed Octopus
5)  Fat Tailed Scorpion

Dart Frog (Other than the list)
These little creatures are only 2 inches long. But they are so toxic! The poison secreted by only one of them can kill even 10 people they are 10th in the world list of 2014 but still it is mesmerizing to study these small guys whose poison is used as a weapon in Colombian tribes.

Longest Snakes

Slithering through the leaves, snakes are amazing assassins check out how long they can be… 

1)   Reticulated Python ………49 feet
2)  Green Anaconda……….37 feet
3)  Scrub Python…………26 feet
4) African Rock Python………..20 feet
5)  King Cobra………….18.5 feet

Funny word python it is? The largest ever found was 49 feet the world record ever. These snakes are like the alpha predators in the world of crawlers.

Night Hunters
The dead night is a time when nocturnal predators thrive. We think these ones rule….
1)  Vampire bats            This bat survives on blood of animals.
2)  Anglerfish               Deep sea fish with lure on his head.
3)  Sugar Glider             Australian possum that can glide.
4) Gila monster              Big Lizard with venomous saliva.
5)  Caiman                     Related to crocs and alligators.

Vampire Bats
These little creatures are real vampires these are only mammals that exclusively feed on the blood it may be cattle, pigs, dogs and Yes, humans if they want to suck.
Largest Spiders
Are you or anybody else afraid of spiders so please don’t look here.
1)  Huntsman                                        30cm
2)  Brazilian Salmon Pink                     27cm
3)  Goliath Birdeater                             25.5cm
4) Wolf Spider                                   25.4cm
5)  Purple bloom bird-eating spider            23cm

This giant spider has insects and invertebrates in its food list with dangerous poison.

Note- I am shifting the sharing site of my novel to my another blog The resonance Please visit and read new chapters with the older ones their. You can find my blog at my blog list gadget.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Quantum Mechanics And Einstein

Quantum Mechanics And Einstein 

Relativity and both quantum mechanics are great achievements of human brain. But they both actually oppose each other in some cases. For example let us see the relation of space time where they clash in the space time loop as I mentioned in my theory of geveon. The idea of quantum mechanics also under lines the theory of chemistry and biology, the quantum mechanical model of atom is a great success in the ideas of the atomic theories. That directly relates to biology thats understood.

Their were many great scientists in the history of physics but the greatest of them was Albert Einstein he contributed many things in the vasts fields of quantum, mechanics

  • Discovering that light is made of particles called photons
  • Introducing the principle of particle wave ductility 
  • Developing with Bose, a quantum theory of identical particles.
  • Establishing the theoretical basis of development of laser.
"If Quantum mechanics has not profoundly shocked you then you have
 not completely understood it"    -Neils Bohr 

"I think that I can safely say that
 no one understands Quantum Mechanics"   -Richard Feynman

Quantization is a very important aspect of quantum mechanics it means nothing but Taking something to its very smallest limit. 

Ultraviolet catastrophe

Their was a great debate between Bohr and Einstein and accordingly they stated that