Tuesday, 21 April 2015



Part - 1 

The theory of relativity was given by Albert Einstein which comprises of two theories The Theory of Special Relativity and The Theory of General Relativity in this specific post I will discuss about Special Relativity

The Theory Of Special Relativity

The theory Of Special Relativity deals with the space time structure, laws of propagation of light and other aspects that are considered the foundations of modern physics the theory  states that-

  • The laws of physics are same for the observers in uniform motion relative to one another.
  • The speed of light in vacuum is same for all observers.
  • Relative mass theory
  • Time dilatation
  •  Length contraction
  •  Mass energy Equivalence
  • Finite of speed of light 
  • Relativity of simultaneity
 Special Principle of Relativity- If a system of coordinates K is chosen so that laws of physics in relation to it hold good in their simplest form and they hold good in relation to any other system of coordinates K' moving in uniform translation relative to K.

The theory has two postulates as suggested by Einstein-

The principle of Relativity- The laws of physics do not change whether in two frames moving relative to each other

Invariant Light Speed- The speed of light i n vacuum or c never changes and is independent from state of motion and relative frames.